About Me

My name is Melanie, and I live in Maine, USA.  I am a writer and a storyteller.  Most of my writing centers around my beautiful state, but I have a passion--a penchant--for the past.  I am an avid antique collector, being a bit of an antique myself.  It just comes natural.  But I do not just collect antiques.  I use them on a daily basis.  They are not "old things" to me.  They are as familiar to me as a hot cup of coffee in the morning, and they are part of my everyday life.

Many of the photos you will find here are gleaned from the internet, their copyrights long since expired.  I also love to take my own black and white photos.  Will you know which is which?  If a photo of mine puzzles you at all, then I have succeeded. 

I hope you will find some comfortable conversation here, a throwback to a simpler era.  Relax and enjoy.  There is too much rushing around these days.  I denounce that.  Why not come along and denounce it with me?  Let us not live in the past, but instead like the past.